10th Mountain Lacrosse was founded to give all mountain lacrosse players opportunities to play more lacrosse year round. Tournaments are the best way to compete and develop in "LIVE" gameplay. Players can sign up for 1 or all the events.
Fall/Winter schedule is now out for 2023/2024!!!
High School Boys Schedule
Fall/Winter 2024 Tournament Schedule
Local Events (open to all players)
10/6 Boomtown Boomerang 7v7 (Littleton, CO) ($150)
10/26-27 Mile High Harvest (Arvada, CO) ($300)
Club Events (Elite Level Players Wanted)
11/9-10 Rocky Mountain Showcase (Denver, CO) ($400)
12/7-8 Legends National Cup (Oceanside, CA) ($400)
1/18-19 Sandstorm Lacrosse Festival (Indio, CA) ($400)